
This example shows how to write data into an Avro container file, and how to read data from a file, both with and without schema resolution. The source of this example can be found on GitHub.

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avro.h>


These macros help us check for Avro errors. If any occur, we print out an error message and abort the process.

#define check_i(call) \
    do { \
        if ((call) != 0) { \
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", avro_strerror()); \
            exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
        } \
    } while (0)

#define check_p(call) \
    do { \
        if ((call) == NULL) { \
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", avro_strerror()); \
            exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
        } \
    } while (0)


These are the schemas that we’ll use to write and read the data.

    "{" \
    "  \"type\": \"record\"," \
    "  \"name\": \"test\"," \
    "  \"fields\": [" \
    "    { \"name\": \"a\", \"type\": \"int\" }," \
    "    { \"name\": \"b\", \"type\": \"int\" }" \
    "  ]" \

    "{" \
    "  \"type\": \"record\"," \
    "  \"name\": \"test\"," \
    "  \"fields\": [" \
    "    { \"name\": \"a\", \"type\": \"int\" }" \
    "  ]" \

    "{" \
    "  \"type\": \"record\"," \
    "  \"name\": \"test\"," \
    "  \"fields\": [" \
    "    { \"name\": \"b\", \"type\": \"int\" }" \
    "  ]" \

Writing data

This function writes a sequence of integers into a new Avro data file, using the WRITER_SCHEMA.

static void
write_data(const char *filename)
    avro_file_writer_t  file;
    avro_schema_t  writer_schema;
    avro_schema_error_t  error;
    avro_value_iface_t  *writer_iface;
    avro_value_t  writer_value;
    avro_value_t  field;

First parse the JSON schema into the C API’s internal schema representation.

    check_i(avro_schema_from_json(WRITER_SCHEMA, 0, &writer_schema, &error));

Then create a value that is an instance of that schema. We use the built-in “generic” value implementation, which is what you’ll usually use to create value instances that can actually store data. We only need to create one instance, since we can re-use it for all of the values that we’re going to write into the file.

    check_p(writer_iface = avro_generic_class_from_schema(writer_schema));
    check_i(avro_generic_value_new(writer_iface, &writer_value));

Open a new data file for writing, and then write a slew of records into it.

    check_i(avro_file_writer_create(filename, writer_schema, &file));

    /* record 1 */
    check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "a", &field, NULL));
    check_i(avro_value_set_int(&field, 10));
    check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "b", &field, NULL));
    check_i(avro_value_set_int(&field, 11));
    check_i(avro_file_writer_append_value(file, &writer_value));

    /* record 2 */
    check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "a", &field, NULL));
    check_i(avro_value_set_int(&field, 20));
    check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "b", &field, NULL));
    check_i(avro_value_set_int(&field, 21));
    check_i(avro_file_writer_append_value(file, &writer_value));

    /* record 3 */
    check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "a", &field, NULL));
    check_i(avro_value_set_int(&field, 30));
    check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "b", &field, NULL));
    check_i(avro_value_set_int(&field, 31));
    check_i(avro_file_writer_append_value(file, &writer_value));

    /* record 4 */
    check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "a", &field, NULL));
    check_i(avro_value_set_int(&field, 40));
    check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "b", &field, NULL));
    check_i(avro_value_set_int(&field, 41));
    check_i(avro_file_writer_append_value(file, &writer_value));

    /* record 5 */
    check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "a", &field, NULL));
    check_i(avro_value_set_int(&field, 50));
    check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "b", &field, NULL));
    check_i(avro_value_set_int(&field, 51));
    check_i(avro_file_writer_append_value(file, &writer_value));

Close the file and clean up after ourselves.


Reading using the actual writer schema

In this example, we read data from a file, and use the actual writer schema when we create the value instance to read into. We’re being a little bit loosy-goosy here, because we’re assuming that the writer schema is WRITER_SCHEMA, and that there are int fields named a and b that we can grab. If we were being really well-behaved, we’d dynamically interrogate the writer schema to see what fields are available.

static void
read_using_writer_schema(const char *filename)
    avro_file_reader_t  file;
    avro_schema_t  writer_schema;
    avro_value_iface_t  *writer_iface;
    avro_value_t  writer_value;

Open an Avro file and grab the writer schema that was used to create the file.

    check_i(avro_file_reader(filename, &file));
    writer_schema = avro_file_reader_get_writer_schema(file);

Then create a value that is an instance of the writer schema. As above, we use the built-in “generic” value implementation for the value instance that will actually store the data.

    check_p(writer_iface = avro_generic_class_from_schema(writer_schema));
    check_i(avro_generic_value_new(writer_iface, &writer_value));

Read values from the file until we run out, printing the contents of each one. Here, we can read directly into writer_value since we know that it’s an instance of the schema that was used to create the file.

    while (avro_file_reader_read_value(file, &writer_value) == 0) {
        avro_value_t  field;
        int32_t  a;
        int32_t  b;

        check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "a", &field, NULL));
        check_i(avro_value_get_int(&field, &a));
        check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&writer_value, "b", &field, NULL));
        check_i(avro_value_get_int(&field, &b));
        printf("  a: %" PRId32 ", b: %" PRId32 "\n", a, b);

Close the file and clean up after ourselves.


Schema resolution

In this example, we read from the same data file, but using schema resolution to project away all but one of the original fields. The function lets you pass in the reader schema, and the name of the field that’s included in the reader schema. That lets us test the projection on both fields without quite so much copy-pasta.

static void
read_with_schema_resolution(const char *filename,
                            const char *reader_schema_json,
                            const char *field_name)
    avro_file_reader_t  file;
    avro_schema_error_t  error;
    avro_schema_t  reader_schema;
    avro_schema_t  writer_schema;
    avro_value_iface_t  *writer_iface;
    avro_value_iface_t  *reader_iface;
    avro_value_t  writer_value;
    avro_value_t  reader_value;

Open an Avro file and grab the writer schema that was used to create the file.

    check_i(avro_file_reader(filename, &file));
    writer_schema = avro_file_reader_get_writer_schema(file);

Create a value instance that we want to read the data into. Note that this is not the writer schema!

            (reader_schema_json, 0, &reader_schema, &error));
    check_p(reader_iface = avro_generic_class_from_schema(reader_schema));
    check_i(avro_generic_value_new(reader_iface, &reader_value));

Create a resolved writer that will perform the schema resolution for us. If the two schemas aren’t compatible, this function will return an error, and the error text should describe which parts of the schemas are incompatible.

    check_p(writer_iface =
            avro_resolved_writer_new(writer_schema, reader_schema));

Create an instance of the resolved writer, and tell it to wrap our reader value instance.

    check_i(avro_resolved_writer_new_value(writer_iface, &writer_value));
    avro_resolved_writer_set_dest(&writer_value, &reader_value);

Now we’ve got the same basic loop as above. But we’ve got two value instances floating around! Which do we use? We have the file reader fill in writer_value, since that’s the value that is an instance of the file’s writer schema. Since it’s an instance of a resolved writer, though, it doesn’t actually store any data itself. Instead, it will perform schema resolution on the data read from the file, and fill in its wrapped value (which in our case is reader_value). That means that once the data has been read, we can get its (schema-resolved) contents via reader_value.

    while (avro_file_reader_read_value(file, &writer_value) == 0) {
        avro_value_t  field;
        int32_t  value;

        check_i(avro_value_get_by_name(&reader_value, field_name, &field, NULL));
        check_i(avro_value_get_int(&field, &value));
        printf("  %s: %" PRId32 "\n", field_name, value);

Close the file and clean up after ourselves.



And finally the function that gets this party started.

#define FILENAME  "test-data.avro"

    printf("Writing data...\n");

    printf("Reading data using same schema...\n");

    printf("Reading data with schema resolution, keeping field \"a\"...\n");
    read_with_schema_resolution(FILENAME, READER_SCHEMA_A, "a");

    printf("Reading data with schema resolution, keeping field \"b\"...\n");
    read_with_schema_resolution(FILENAME, READER_SCHEMA_B, "b");

    return 0;